In Spartan Mail, the name displayed when you send email, along with the name listed for you in the Global Address Book (directory) is populated by the name listed for you in the Enterprise Business System (EBS). If you wish to use a preferred name, rather than your given name, this article will help you update your listing.
- In a web browser, navigate to
- Log in with your MSU NetID, password and two-factor authentication.
- Click the My Personal Information tab.
- Select Personal Profile.

- Scroll down to the Personal Information section where your Professional Name is shown and click the pencil icon.

- On the right side of the page, in the "Name Data" area, type your preferred First Name and preferred Middle Name (if applicable).
Note: MSU has an institutional policy to use your legal last name in campus systems. For information on changing your legal last name, please contact the HR Solutions Center at or call 517-353-4434.
- In the drop-down menu for Name Format, select either one of the following:
- First Name, Legal Middle Name, Legal Last Name, Suffix (shown below) - if you are only making changes to your first name.
- First Name, Middle Name, Legal Last Name, Suffix - if you are making changes to both your first and middle name.

- Click Save and Back.
- Log out of EBS and close your browser window.
NOTE: Allow one to two days for the changes you entered in EBS to sync with Spartan Mail, then check to confirm your listing is updated in the Global Address Book (directory).