How To Get Access to Oracle Support Service Requests


In order to view/submit service requests to Oracle at, please complete the following steps:

NOTE: Oracle's the process seems to change frequently, so these steps may not match what you see on the screens exactly.

NOTE: If you already have an account at, start at step 3.

1) Go to

2) Click on the "Register as a new user" link (under the login button on left side of the screen)

3) After creating the account, login at

4) NOTE: If you land on the "Opera Cloud" support page, click on "Switch to My Oracle Support"

5) Request access to a "Support Identifiers" (SI)

a) NOTE: The "request access" dialog screen may show automatically the first time you login. If so, skip to step 9)

b) If the "request access" screen does not automatically show up, do steps 6) - 8)

6) Click on your profile name in upper right

7) Go to "Support Identifiers"

8) Click on the “Request Access” button

9) Ask to be add Support Identifier 23268995 (or any of our current SI).  You can leave the "Note to Approver" box blank, or fill in as preferred.

10) Enter "Michigan State University" for the "Organization name"

11) click apply

12) Review contact information is correct.

13) on the confirmation screen, click "Next"

14) Review and accept terms of use, then click "Next" or the request won't actually be sent.

The designated admin for the MSU SLE support contracts will be notified, and then they will need to approve the request and add all of our other Support Identifiers to our Oracle account.

CURRENT ACCOUNT ADMINS (as of 12/7/2022) is Blake House,, and Marianne Bacon,



  • Quick Reference Guide - attached to this article