This is a guide for authorized requesters to submit online tickets to add/remove/transfer system access for team members, or for employee termination of access. No system or login access is automatically assigned when new team members are hired or removed when someone leaves. An Access Request must be submitted for all changes to access.
Authorized requester definition: a select few administrators, managers, or HR coordinators for units identified by the Digital Strategies and Services (DSS) Access Management team. DSS maintains a list of who is authorized and notifies them of their status as an authorized requester.
System Access Examples
Common system access you will request through DSS: File share, space changes, SLE meal plan discount, PeopleAdmin, website content management, digital signs content management, other web applications, Campus Solutions, and Outlook mail resources including: shared mailboxes, distribution lists and shared calendars.
System access you will continue to request through MSU IT: EBS human resources roles (except Manager Self-Serve), EBS financial roles, creating Eventbrite events, Cognos and Tableau data reports (dashboard).
Authorized Requester Resources
- Before submitting Access Requests, confirm the status of the employee in your unit and, if requesting new access, make sure each system is needed for their role.
- Submit access requests as described in the article below.
- To request creation of a new shared mailbox, distribution list, calendar or resource — or changes to these items — first request the item be created/changed by submitting the following form, then submit separate access requests for employees to get access to the item. Create or Edit Calendar Resource, Distribution List, or Shared Mailbox Request
- Your requests will be processed by the DSS Access Management Team, led by Melanie Phillips. Team members: Angie Kimmel, Susan Mireles and several temp, on-call or student assistants.
- Please note: As an authorized requester, you are the contact for requesting changes to access for others. However, for other technology issues — like requesting service for equipment or fixing issues with software — anyone in your unit can submit request tickets or contact the DSS Service Desk directly.
Creating an Access Request for new team members or to add/remove/transfer access
- In a browser or mobile device, navigate to dss.sle.msu.edu.
- On the home page in the upper-right corner, sign in with your MSU NetID and password.

- On the home page go to Submit a New Request.
- Select Account and Access.
- For a New User/Add/Remove/Transfer employees, select Employee access. Note: Later sections of this guide cover terminations.
- Select Request Access.

- You are taken to the ARF form, where you will fill out the information to add, remove or transfer access for an employee.
Ensure you are an Authorized Requester. Not sure who is an authorized requester for your unit? Contact the DSS Service Desk Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., at 517-353-1691.
- Begin filling out all fields of the ARF.
- The first two fields are your Name and Department. Make sure your information is correct or change them to the right selections. (The magnifying glass button leads to searchable lists.)

- In the next field, type the Employee Name(s) and NetID(s) for which you are requesting changes.
- For one user, use the format: First Last (NetID)
- For two users, use the format: First Last (NetID) & First Last (NetID)
- For three to nine users, list all names and NetIDs in this format: First Last (NetID), First Last (NetID), First Last (NetID),... for up to nine users.
- For 10 or more users, type "Multiple Users" in this field and please attach a document at the end of the ARF that lists all names and NetIDs.

- Enter your phone number. Use a campus number if you have one assigned to you.

- Fill out the next section with the employee’s information.
- Position Type: Select whether the employee is a Guest, Regular, Student, Temp, or On Call.
- Type the employee’s job title.
- Fill in the employee’s location, location area and neighborhood, if applicable.

- Next, choose the employee’s department from the drop-down list. This guide describes the possible options for Culinary Services employees; other departments will have other options and systems listed.

- Select the Access Status.
- When the employee you are submitting this ARF for is new to SLE, select New to SLE.
- When the employee is currently working and you are requesting additional access, select Add.
- If the employee needs added access because they are taking on an additional role, select Dual Role.
- When the employee is currently working and you are requesting to remove portions of their access, select Remove.

- Note: if you are removing access for an employee because they are moving to a different SLE unit, select the Transfer option, then fill in the departments in the text boxes

- Next, type the Effective Date (date when employee needs the access).
- Then, use the "Add Meal Plan?" drop-down field to indicate (Yes or No) if the employee is eligible for a meal discount and needs to have the privilege added. Note: regular/full-time, temporary or on-call SLE team members qualify for the divisional discount. Student team members do not.

- Space Change: Indicate (Yes or No) if the employee will need a space change (change of desk, workstation or office). If there is no change required, you can leave this field blank. Filling out this section will notify the SLE Space Coordination & Review Committee to update university records of where people are stationed. Space change requests are required if the employee occupies a dedicated office, desk or workspace. The majority of space designations are for regular or temporary team members. Space changes may not be required if there is a rotating schedule of students or on-call team members using a space.
- If there is a change, select from the three options:
- Moving into existing space, or new space required
- Vacating an existing space
- Moving from one space to another
- Your selections may change the fields you are prompted to complete.
- The below picture shows the proper selection and fields if the employee is moving to an existing room or space. Vacating an existing space looks very similar, be sure to enter the required information, including the employee’s Organization (Org) Code.

- Alternately, if the employee is moving from one space to another, an additional field (Move From Room) will prompt you to enter the building name, room number and work station number they are vacating.
- A separate field (Move to Room) prompts for the building name, room number and workstation they are moving to (shown below).
- Be sure to include all applicable information.
- Then enter the Org Code in the final field of the space change area.

- Access: In the next section of the ARF, designate all system access the employee needs based on their role and responsibilities.
- First is their RHS Network Login.
- Be sure to select RHS Login for all new and returning team members for former RHS units. Team members for former Student Affairs and Services units who only log in through Campus AD (and don't use the RHS network or V: drive) may not require one.
- Distribution Lists and Shared Mailboxes
- When you select Shared Mailbox or Distribution Lists, additional fields appear (shown below).

- List the name (from Spartan Mail/Outlook) of any static distribution lists the team member needs to be included in.
- Dynamic lists: Some distribution lists (DLs) will be automatically assigned based on the employee's membership in the division, department and employee type. You do not need to list those here. They are considered "dynamic" distribution lists because the ARF team will automatically put them in the proper group. Dynamic lists cannot be expanded in Spartan Mail to see the members of them. Examples of dynamic lists include: SLE All Team Members DL, SLE CS All Students DL, and SLE SIL All FullTime DL.
- Static lists: Special or "static" distribution lists are all other lists. Static lists keep the same members until someone submits an ARF to have people added or removed. Static lists can be expanded to see the current members. To see members in Outlook, start an email to the list, then click the plus sign to the left of the distribution list name.
- You do have to enter each static distribution list in the ARF field. Separate multiple lists by using commas. Examples of static lists include: SLE CS All Managers DL, SLE Leadership Team DL and SLE Space Committee.
- If applicable, type the name of the shared mailbox(es) they need to be able to open or send from.
- Continue completing the rest of the fields of the ARF, selecting any additional required access.
- The following examples and screen shots are systems that may be needed by Culinary Services staff. Other departments need different systems, but the process is similar.
- When some options are selected, text boxes may appear asking for more information like account numbers or org numbers.
- For example, when requesting an employee have access to Food Stores/MSU Bakers Web Ordering, before any selections are made there are no text boxes beneath that area. However, once Laundry Ordering is selected, a Department Account Number field appears.

- Other systems, like Food Service Suite (FSS), only require the box to be checked and will not prompt for any department account numbers.
- Some systems have different levels, roles or types of access available. Kinetic has five different options, depending on the user's role and department.

- Description of Access Needed:
After selecting appropriate systems, if there is any system or access required that was not listed, please type it into the Description of Access Needed field. Include any additional information that will help the ARF team fulfill the request.

- Next is an option to Attach Supporting Documentation.
- If you are requesting access for 10 or more team members, upload a spreadsheet by clicking Browse..., then navigate and select the spreadsheet file. You may have to click Open to complete the selection.

- For the Urgency field, select from Low, Medium, High or Emergency. Most ARFs should not be an emergency, but if one is, please contact the DSS Service Desk at 517-353-1691 (in addition to submitting the ARF).
- Finally, select the green Submit button. Congratulations, you have submitted an ARF!

Submitting a Termination ARF for team members who are leaving
- Log in at dss.sle.msu.edu with your MSU NetID and password (as described in the last section).
- On the home page, click Submit a New Request.
- Select Accounts and Access.

- Select Terminate Access.
- Select the green Remove Access button.
- You are taken to the ARF form where you will complete all fields to terminate the employee.
- The first three fields are your name as the requesting manager, your Account/Department and your Phone Number.

- The next six fields detail the employee’s information (shown below).
- In the first two, describe the location and location area of the employee, if applicable. To access a searchable list, click the magnifying glass icon for any field that offers it.
- In the next field, you will list the names and NetIDs of the employee(s). The format is the same as the Add/Remove/Transfer ARF.
- For one user, use the format: First Last (NetID)
- For two users, use the format: First Last (NetID) & First Last (NetID)
- For three to nine users, list all names and NetIDs in this format: First Last (NetID), First Last (NetID), First Last (NetID),... for up to nine users.
- For 10 or more users, please attach a document that lists all names and NetIDs at the end of the ARF
- Enter the end date of the employee (their final day of work or today, whichever is later).
- Type the employee’s job title.
- For position type of the employee, select from: Guest, Regular, Student, Temp or On Call.

- In the Description box, type any information that will assist the ARF team with removing access for the employee. Examples could be: retiring; leaving the department; leaving the division; graduating; or leaving MSU. For 10 or more terminations, attach a spreadsheet of names, NetIDs and job titles (in a separate field toward the end of the ARF).

- For Space Change Request, select if they will be vacating an existing space. Filling out this section will notify the SLE Space Coordination & Review Committee to update university records of where people are stationed. Space change requests are required if the employee occupied a dedicated office, desk or workspace. The majority of space designations are for regular or temporary team members. Space changes may not be required if there is a rotating schedule of students or on-call team members using a space.
- In the Move From Room field, type the building, room number and work station number (if applicable) they are leaving.

- Next is the option to Attach Supporting Documentation (if needed).
- If you are requesting termination for 10 or more team members, upload a spreadsheet by clicking Browse..., then navigate and select the spreadsheet file. You may have to click Open to complete the selection.

- For the Urgency field, select from Low, Medium, High or Emergency. Most ARFs should not be an emergency, but if someone is terminated and access needs to be urgently removed, please contact the DSS Service Desk at 517-353-1691 (in addition to submitting the ARF).

- Finally, select the green Submit button. Congratulations, you have submitted a Termination ARF!

Checking the Status of your Submitted ARFs
You should receive emails when your ARF is updated. However, at any time, you can view your submitted ARF, see updates in the feed, and add comments or attachments to it. To do so, see the Reviewing Your Submitted Tickets section of this DSS TeamDynamix Service Request Customer Guide.