Managing Divisional or Unit Distribution Lists


If you are an owner of an Outlook distribution list, these instructions will walk you through keeping the list up to date.


Managing Users in Distribution Groups

We use distribution lists, available in Outlook, to make emailing convenient for team members. The distribution lists can be found in the Spartan Mail address book or directory by searching for "SLE" followed by the name of the group. Unit or team coordinators are sometimes designated as "Owners" of these lists and are asked to keep them up to date, as team members join or leave a group.

To have team members added to or removed from these distribution lists in Spartan Mail, please have an authorized requestor in your unit (typically a manager or HR coordinator) submit an Access Request Form (ARF) to Digital Strategies and Services (DSS). Technicians will make the changes and update you when your request is complete. To have someone removed from the list, use the Terminate Employee link and ask to ONLY remove them from the list and be sure to include the name of the distribution list.



Article ID: 49888
Thu 3/8/18 2:48 PM
Fri 2/9/24 11:21 AM

