
System Overview

Kipsu is a real-time web chat service. Chats come into a central portal where all agents logged in can see and communicate with the client. Chats can be initiated on a PC or through a mobile browser and can be transferred to a mobile text(sms) conversation if needed.

Contact Information

Service and Support - Service Desk 517-353-1691
New Requests - Department SIM
Access Requests -

Logging In or Resetting Passwords

1. To login, go to

2. Type in MSU email and then click next.

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3. Type in your password and login.


Password Reset

If you need to reset your password you can also do it from the login screen using the "I forgot my Password" link on the right side of the screen. This only shows up after entering your email and clicking next. 

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Using Kipsu

Upon logging in, this is what you will see:

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When you get a chat, your screen will look like this.

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To the right of the chat, there are various options. We are going to skip down to Archive as that will be used after every chat. Archive is what allows you to file chats away once complete so they no longer appear in the feed or ring if they are unanswered. To archive a chat you simply select Archive and then file them in the appropriate category.
Note: See the bottom of this article for adding archive categories.

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Quick Reply

You can use Quick Reply on the right to respond with template responses.
Note: See the bottom of this article for adding quick replies.

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To use notes, click on the note option on the right-hand side of the screen, type in a note, and click save. It will show up in chat for everyone other than the end user and will be highlighted yellow.

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Follow Up

Click on the follow-up option on the right side of the chat and choose a time. The chat will disappear and then come back whenever the follow-up chat is set to.

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Hand Off

The Hand Off option on the right of the chat allows you to hand off the conversation to another Kipsu team member. Choose Hand Off and then choose the person to hand the chat to.

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The Transfer option on the right of the chat allows you to transfer the conversation to another Kipsu team. Choose Transfer and then choose the team to transfer the chat to.

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Managing Kipsu (Managers Only)


You can manage your Archive categories by selecting settings at the top of the screen, then select Complete Categories, then find your section and creating a subcategory. 

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Quick Reply

Quick Replies can be managed by selecting settings at the top of the screen and then clicking Quick Replies.

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You then click Create New Quick Reply at the bottom of the screen. 

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