Tools for Virtual Meetings and Collaboration

Spartans have a wealth of resources for working when out of the office or from a remote location. 

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

The VPN provides a way to log in and create a secure connection to MSU systems or files when you are at an off-campus location or using campus wireless networks.

For information and instructions on using the VPN, see this knowledge base article.


Zoom is a cloud-based solution for video and audio conferencing, screen sharing, mobile collaboration, and online meetings and Webinars. Zoom is accessible on MacOS, Windows, iOS and Android mobile devices. Additionally, Zoom can be used with conventional phone lines for audio conferencing. Virtual meetings can be recorded.

Please test Zoom connectivity, audio and video features before you need to use the software so you can work through any technical difficulties. The first time you use Zoom you may need to install it. 


Home page includes links to download Zoom, MSU Zoom Basics instruction and common questions
MSU IT Knowledge Base article Zoom Basics 
MSU IT Knowledge Base article Zoom Commonly Asked Questions
Tutorials Zoom video tutorials


Microsoft Teams

A Knowledge Base article including info on training, installing Teams, logging in, best practices and requesting a team is available at > Knowledge Base > Software and Applications > Getting Started with Microsoft Teams


Spartan 365 and OneDrive

The Microsoft Office 365 suite of applications allows you to use online versions of the software. Team members can save files to their OneDrive cloud storage, share them with others and collaborate on documents through co-authoring. Divisional computers should already have Office 365. MSU team members can also install the software on personal devices, including up to five computers, five tablets and five mobile devices.


MSU IT Spartan 365 Help & FAQ
MSU IT Dive into 365
MSU IT Collaborative Tools Spartan 365
MSU IT Knowledge Base article Spartan Drive (One Drive) Introduction for Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android

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