
Digital Strategies and Services (DSS) is proud to be the dedicated technology support department for the Division of Student Life & Engagement at Michigan State University.
Please contact DSS for all SLE divisional technology needs that are listed here and for any issues or requests not specifically stated in the MSU IT area of this article. DSS will assist and handle your request or coordinate with MSU IT as needed.
Service Desk: 517-353-1691, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
For after-hours emergencies that cannot wait until the next business day, follow the voicemail prompts for emergency support. Emergencies are incidents that impact multiple devices, multiple people or a whole system. Password resets are not considered an emergency. See this article for more info on after-hours support.
Website: Chat with the Service Desk, submit a request or browse the knowledge base.
Contact DSS for all technology issues not listed under the MSU IT area of this article, including:
- Hardware: All hardware purchases and troubleshooting for computers, laptops, tablets, conference room equipment, Traka key boxes, monitors, sound bars, mice, keyboards, web cams, cables, etc. DSS also provides assistance moving or setting up technology. Note: Headsets can be purchased through the Spartan Marketplace by unit purchasers, but recommended models are referenced in this article. If you believe your MSU device has a virus or has been compromised, disconnect it from the network and contact the Service Desk.
- Printers: Including printers, multifunction copiers and scanners. Printers can be installed according to this article about PrinterLogic. For information on service and supplies for printers and managed copiers, see Printer/Copier Service and Purchasing Toner and Staples.
- Access: System or site access is not automatically assigned. For access, an "Authorized Requester" must submit an Employee Access Request to DSS. An Authorized Requester is usually a human resources coordinator, hiring manager or executive assistant. Follow these links for a list of authorized requesters and instructions for them to submit requests. Examples of system access include: UltraTime, PeopleAdmin, Service Portal, and Spartan Mail objects like shared mailboxes, distribution lists and calendars for shared resources.
- Office space change requests: All changes to how a space is being used or who is assigned to a space must be submitted via Access Request forms by an authorized requester (see previous bullet point).
- Software/applications/systems: All software license purchases should be submitted through DSS. DSS will coordinate with SLE Business and Financial Services to charge the appropriate accounts. DSS provides system administration for divisional applications. Having issues with software? The DSS Service Desk or technicians will assist. Some approved, optional software is available for team members to install via the Software Center. For a list of additional software that can be purchased and is already security-reviewed and approved for use at MSU, see this University Procurement Approved Software list.
- Divisional websites: Web design, issues or access.
- Points of Sale (POS): Registers, devices, credit card readers, MSU ID card readers, kitchen displays and kitchen printers.
- Microsoft 365 issues: Assistance using or troubleshooting. Requests will be relayed to MSU IT as needed.
- Divisional digital signs: Signs in residence halls, dining and concessions areas, engagement centers or meeting rooms.
- Time clocks: All clocks that connect to the UltraTime system.
- File storage: Access to share drives, connection issues or file recovery assistance.
- Spartan Cash and meal plan balances: The DSS Transaction Management manages these systems and accounts and can be reached at 517-355-CASH (2274). For more about Spartan Cash, see
- Technology project management: If your project will involve technology or need network connectivity, submit a project request or contact your departmental Strategic Integration Manager (SIM). Not sure who your SIM is? Contact the Service Desk.
- Virtual Private Network: Assistance installing or connecting to the MSU VPN using the BIG-IP EDGE application or
- RHSNET computer login: Access and password assistance. Note: This network will be transitioned to Campus Active Directory in the future.
- Engagement Centers: Computers, printers, digital signs and time clocks.
- Training: For divisional systems and technology.
Service Desk: 517-432-6200 or toll-free 844-678-6200. Available from 7 a.m. to midnight every day the university is open.
Website: Chat with service desk, submit a request or browse the knowledge base.
Contact MSU IT for:
- MSU NetID and password: Login issues and password management. See also, which will reference in the Manage Net ID section.
- To be able to reset or unlock your MSU NetID password, first you must register a backup email address according to these directions from MSU IT.
- If you forget your password, use the “forgot password” or “unlock account” options at
- Multi-factor authentication: Setting up or troubleshooting OKTA (the additional layer of security for MSU systems). See also
- Access: MSU systems require Access Requests to be submitted by authorized requesters to MSU IT. Examples include: EBS unit roles (HR, financial or manager self-service), Cognos Business Intelligence reporting, MSU Scholarship review access, ASMSU loan system, etc.
- MSU Computer Labs: Computers in labs, classrooms and public spaces for student or guest use.
- Telephones: Support and requests for office phones, voicemail, EC500, new phone lines and changes to existing lines. See also Telecom Services.
- Spartan Mail: Locked or compromised accounts, security/phishing defense and questions.
- Microsoft Teams and Bookings: Requests for new teams or bookings pages. See also Getting Started with Microsoft Teams or Getting Started with Microsoft Bookings.
- Network connectivity: For student rooms, classrooms and public spaces (wired or Wi-Fi) networks. MSU IT provides support and fields requests for network ports and connectivity issues. Note: If a network port in an SLE office space, conference room, retail location or Engagement Center needs attention, please contact DSS. DSS will coordinate with MSU IT.
- Audio/Video (AV): Carts, projectors or equipment in select locations like classrooms, auditoriums, Brody Test Kitchen, and Wonders Theater (report Wonders through neighborhood facilities manager).
- System administration: For systems like Enterprise Business System (EBS), Campus Solutions (SIS), CashNet, Qualtrics (MSU Qualtrics info), ProMap, the MSU mobile app.
- MSU websites: Non-divisional sites including those for utility billing and central technology or network billing.
- Training: For Microsoft applications, Zoom and other MSU systems. See
Contact other areas for:
- Engage SLE: For content requests or updates to this divisional communication SharePoint site (, contact Chelsey Eimer Mason (
- UltraTime password resets: Send an email to SLE Payroll at
- Door access: Managed by MSU Police and requested by unit authorized requesters. Please contact your hiring or HR manager if you need access for your role.
- Moving culinary or non-technology equipment: Request service through MSU Food Stores at Culinary Services Move Request.
- Televisions: To purchase or receive support for a TV with an RHSNET computer attached to it (conference rooms and digital signs), submit a service request ticket to DSS. Any televisions that are not digital signs or will not have an RHSNET computer attached to them can be obtained through the Spartan Marketplace by a unit authorized purchaser. Requests for TV installation should be coordinated through either REHS neighborhood Facilities or Infrastructure Planning & Facilities (IPF).